How to Check Electricity Bill Amount Online

How to Check Electricity Bill Amount Online?

Customers make use of electronic gadgets or devices to perform various tasks, especially transactions. The banking financing servicing and insurance (BFSI) sectors have now adopted online bill payment as an option to boost their sales and to attain an edge in the competitive landscape. Additionally, numerous initiatives have been undertaken by the regulatory bodies for strengthening infrastructure. The aim is towards digitalization, and consumer convenience also propelled the installation of instant loan app. After keeping close eyes on recent trends, several financial institutions also adopted and developed splendid applications. These applications can be utilized freely without investing a single penny, and they are further available or accessible on various banking online portals. 

You are just required to register once by entering your essential credentials per the perquisites. That’s why consumers are shifting from conventional to contemporary payment methods. By utilizing applications like MSCDEL Bill payment online, you can manage and check finances.

The other features that an individual can enjoy online include

  1. It lets you check the account balances and examine whether your bill payment is paid or scheduled. Apart from this, you can keep track of online payment history by setting email alerts to get regular notifications regarding your scheduled payments.
  2. You are eligible to consolidate your finances with the support of online bill payment services. It operates by accumulating your bills, and after that, it is directly emailed to you. You can check the automatic payments and the specified dates through email only.
  3. The mobile payment system is perceived as the more convenient alternative for paying all your bills. Within the flick of a second, you can purchase and transact online. There is no requirement of carrying a massive amount of capital with you. You just have to take your card and insert the necessary info! Your task is accomplished seamlessly while resting and sitting at your residence.

What is Bill Payment Online of MSCDEL?

MSEDCL (Maharashtra State Electricity Bill Payment) is a self-solution system. It is used extensively for managing several online services availed by consumers via the web portal. The registered consumers can get a glimpse and download your bill transaction history and pay it as per the incorporated guidelines after registering them. 

How can one check electricity bills online?

As mentioned, specific registered consumers can monitor and check bill payments, but they have to follow certain steps. The steps are as follows. 

  1. Firstly, you are required to get your consumer number after registering. Then you have to enter consumer ID so that you can land on the web page to see your due and paid bills. You can further check your bill history.
  2. To view a bill for a consumer number, tap on the view/ pay bill option present on the web self-service home page. After clicking, you will land on the screen that depicts the View my Dues option. After clicking on the View my Dues option, you will see several fields with descriptions, such as consumer type, BU, submit clear, and consumer type. After its emergence on the screen, you must enter relevant info in respective fields and then submit it to check your billing details. 
  3. The consumer details are showcased, including numerous fields like consumer number, BU number, Bill month, Consumption, bill amount, due date, etc.
  4. After the page display, you have to click on the make payment option. You will directly land on the make payment screen that involves details about bill payments of a specific month. Additionally, it includes a bill details section to enter relevant info.
  5. After that, the consumer must enter their payment details and then opt for a security deposit or bill option as per your urge.
  6. Press the pay now option to land on another screen to proceed with payment mode. The payment mode page will exhibit the info about other charges, which can be levied based on the payment option.
  7. Select payment options from the following modes like credit cards, debit cards, cash cards, internet banking, and mobile payment. Select the suitable option and click on the pay now option displayed on the other page, and you are done with your process. 

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